Microsoft Management Solutions | MS Knowledge Management
We help you make the best use of knowledge!
We understand Knowledge Management (KM).
We have the services and products to help your organization implement, refine and/or extend your KM capabilities and strategy, whether you're implementing a single application, or performing a complete consolidation of knowledge resources into a framework, enabling all of your organization's decisions.
PM-Partners' Microsoft Knowledge Management solution provides a powerful range of knowledge tools, dashboards and reports to help you analyze and evaluate key metrics and data to see the complete view of your business and its cycles.
MS Knowledge Management unlocks new insights with pervasive data discovery across the entire organization, while offering tools for IT to deliver credible and consistent data and large scale analytics.
Other great advantages of our service are the well-known user interface based on Microsoft Office, ease of collaboration and sharing information, reduced need for additional technical training, flexibility, scalability, and security.